The reality is that Europe and the United States created terrible poverty
and instability around the world. So much so, that the people they oppress
yearn to live in the oppressor nations in hopes of improving their lives.
What I do not understand is, if Africans built great civilizations and
Mayans built great civilizations why is this generation out of ideas?
Are white men the only ones who know how to build roads?
It seems to me that too many people of color look to white "civilization"
for what they need. Wells were drilled 10s of thousands of years ago.
Why can't they drill them in Africa, today?
Yes, yes, I know all the strength and brainpower and resources are
drained out of Africa, but come on, when are African men going to wake up.
My client, Nate Perkins, says that black people have a "hate" gene.
I may be inclined to agree, considering the fact that Africans are said
to be "jealous of their American cousins". I know when I was in Gambia and Ghana, I found the people to be very very
needy. No self-reliance, but just a "begging" nature.
I'm sorry to say but I was actually wounded in Gambia by children
grabbing for the pens and pencils I was handing out.
We can continue to blame slavery for all the downfalls of black people
but, one day, we must wake up and realize we are co-creators with the
universe and that we have the power to change our minds - not blaming anyone, anymore.
In the Times article Gates gives us this nugget of wisdom. "The myth
was our African ancestors were out on a walk one day and some bad white dude
threw a net over them. But that wasn't the way it happened. It wouldn't have
been possible without the help of Africans." A real historian might have
added that there would have been no slave trade without a demand from Europe
and America.
I think this applies to Nike, Tommy Hilfigger, Sean John, FUBU, etc. Supply and demand. Hey, black women made Donna Karen and other designers
and black men demand Armani and other designers. Supply and demand is the
marketplace. I know, I know, it's not fair how Africans were "used" by Europeans.
But there's always time to reverse the playing field.
When will we be doing that?
Diva JC
Above is my response to the article sent to me in email re Henry Louis Gates
Freedom Rider
Henry Louis Gates and the Times: Unfit to Print
by Margaret Kimberley
Printer Friendly Plain Text Format
On December 27, 2005 the New York Times printed an article entitled
"Ghanaians' Uneasy Embrace of Slavery's Diaspora." The New York Times rarely
delivers on its claim to give its readers "all the news that is fit to
print." Even white politicians like John Kerry get biased coverage when they
dare to challenge the established order. If a white presidential nominee
can't catch a fair break from the Times, then black people are definitely
out of luck.
According to the Times, black Americans should just forget about visiting
Africa or forging any links with Africans. Like people in poor nations all
over the world, many Ghanaians seek to emigrate to the United States. The
Times tells us that Ghanaians envy their American cousins for being taken
into slavery.
Suppose, for arguments sake, that the statement is an accurate assessment of
some Ghanaian opinion. A real newspaper would then ask how much Ghanaians
know about the United States, and what if anything they have been taught
about African American history or their own history for that matter.
Ghanaians aren't alone in seeking refuge in nations that exploited them.
Most of the southwest United States was stolen from Mexico. Mexicans know
this but still cross the border in hopes of improving their lives. The
United States military killed hundreds of thousands in the Philippines at
the turn of the last century. That unforgotten history doesn't prevent
Filipinos from waiting years to get green cards that ensure their passage to
the country that caused their people so much anguish.
The reality is that Europe and the United States created terrible poverty
and instability around the world. So much so, that the people they oppress
yearn to live in the oppressor nations in hopes of improving their lives.
The real point of the New York Times article is to tell black Americans that
they should just get over the past, realize they are in the best nation on
earth, and stop trying to learn anything about their ancestral home. After
all, Africa is poor and its people envy three hundred years of slavery,
lynching and Jim Crow.
No other group is dissuaded from learning about its ancestry as much as
black people are dissuaded. Even groups whose ancestors immigrated
voluntarily came from poor countries. Their homelands weren't just poor,
they were often oppressive. There would have been no immigration if that
were not the case. Yet the New York Times doesn't tell anyone else to forget
about identifying with their place of origin. Only black Americans are told
to wise up and be grateful for what the system has meted out to them.
Not content to make light of African Americans attempts to connect to
Africa, the times had to add the piece de resistance. They had to call Henry
Louis Gates.
Gates' area of expertise is African American literature. He is not a
historian. He is not a mental health professional. He is not an expert on
public affairs. He is not an economist. He knows literature and that is all.
Despite his limited base of knowledge, he is continually called upon to
opine on subjects he knows little if anything about.
Gates is definitely shrewd. He has gamed a system that confers top dog
status on only a few black faces. Journalism schools teach courses like
Gates 101 and grade students on their ability to get in touch with Gates
when in need of a handy quote about black people.
Several years ago Gates proudly showed the world how little he knew in the
PBS documentary series "Wonders of the African World." In the slave trade
segment, Gates'only moment of anger was directed at an Ashanti prince. If
Gates wants to wax righteously indignant, he should interrogate a member of
the Brown family of Brown University. The Brown fortune was made through
slavery, as were many others. Gates ought to give a Brown descendant the
third degree on camera.
In the Times article Gates gives us this nugget of wisdom. "The myth was our
African ancestors were out on a walk one day and some bad white dude threw a
net over them. But that wasn't the way it happened. It wouldn't have been
possible without the help of Africans." A real historian might have added
that there would have been no slave trade without a demand from Europe and
From Canada, where slavery was once legal, to the Caribbean, and all the way
to the tip of South America, white Americans developed and sustained a
voracious need for African free labor. Maybe the Times will tackle that
subject some day.
If the Times and their journalistic brethren stopped thinking of the head
Negro in charge of all things involving colored people, they might find a
useful perspective and write better articles. The New York Times can make
local phone calls and find experts on any subject known to humankind. New
York City is home to Columbia University, New York University and a 19
campus City University of New York, to name just a few.
Is it possible that some of these institutions have experts on African
history? Of course they do, but they will never be heard from as long as a
publicity savvy English professor is the only acceptable source of
So, if, on your next visit to Ghana, you are referred to as "obruni," a word
usually reserved for white people, don't worry about it. Take it as an
opportunity to learn from another culture and to teach people who may need
to learn from you. In any case, obruni has probably come to mean "foreigner
who has more cash than I do."
DZT wrote:
You are, of
course, right on point yourself, Joan, with these observations.
If there is an "answer," I offer this, at least as a starting place to
figure out why things are the way they are. I too have wondered and
been frustrated by some of those same scenes you describe. One that
comes to mind was in the days approaching Xmas back in the '80s as I was
driving down Dr. MLK Blvd. here in Miami, near the Tacolcy Center.
Someone yelled, from the vicinity of the Center across the street to some of
his friends, "Hey, they givin' away toys over here." A mad dash
ensued, with several children being very nearly hit by cars, and then
fighting and yanking at each other's clothes to get through the gate first.
The Christmas spirit! The state of our people!
What has
happened to us?
You may have heard me expound before on my cherished notion that "history
and land are one and the same: there is no history without land and no land
without history." Building on that notion, I dare to say that "all
political, social, economic, ethnic and cultural questions and issues in the
21st century will be reduced to one matter only: land use."
When we think about it, when we envisage the possibilities and horizons
open to us, when we look to our past for guidance, when we look around at
our peers, our elders and our heroes and sheroes, all of the data we gather
is based on our relationship to the land, or, more precisely, to the
underlying political question of who controls the use of the land.
Ain't nobody ever built no pyramid on no land that they did not control the
use of.
The world we live in today would probably look like alien science fiction
to the very vast majority of our Ancestors. Electric lighting is
barely 150 years old, not to mention all else that has come with it, right
down to computers and our ability to communicate through this medium right
now. Some of us think nothing of jumping into a car to go three blocks
to buy a newspaper. Even the notion of "newspaper" or of abundant
paper at all (meaning some serious deforestation) has come a long way from
the invention of papyrus. We assume much about the world, with our
expectation of warm water out of faucets, flush toilets and conversations by
telephone (fast evolving into digital wonderland, combining image, e-mail,
music, etc). Among these unquestioned assumptions that are part of our
reality is the notion that land can be owned by individuals, and we usually
are not those individuals. (Lest anyone doubt, just let a question of
"eminent domain" arise, or the discovery of mineral wealth beneath our homes
to clarify the difference between "deed" and "title" and who really "owns"
what, or a "military emergency").
I believe that the late Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist as well as a
revolutionary thinker, was among those brilliant observers who took time to
evaluate the psychological impact of this notion, and how thoroughly alien
it is to the great majority of the human race. The notion of land
ownership by individuals -- enforced at gunpoint, of course, just as all
other unnatural social orders must be enforced by violence; whips, shackles,
prison bars, nooses, etc. -- is totally dislocating and disorienting to the
[natural] human spirit. Everyone agrees that we definitely own the
land that is beneath our two feet; anyone who tries to take that away will
justifiably be fought. There is even an accepted sense of family and
clan compounds, as with designated farming plots, in those settled
communities that were created by the agricultural revolution of 11,000 years
ago. But all of these have a sense of stewardship of and
responsibility for the land under one's control, which is completely
different from something like, say, absentee ownership of a territory.
I am nowhere around, you may not even know who I am or if I really exist,
but I can fence off a piece of property and you dare not enter it, not even
if you are starving and I have fruit falling from trees and rotting on the
With our own versions of the "American Dream of home ownership" that is
supposed to be the very icon of "middle class" status, most of us are not
much inclined to question the values and assumptions inherent in the notion
of home ownership. (Not so, of course, in the rest of the hemisphere,
where the question of "land reform" is a perpetual threat to the wealthy,
even though it is hardly talked about except when it explodes anew, as in
Chiapas, Mexico a few years back; it is the same kind of permanent threat
that slave uprisings were, and each time they were quelled there was this
notion that God wanted it that way and therefore supplied the violent means
by which to prevail). Here in this country, whereas the plight of
sharecroppers (our own "peons") and migrant workers might go unnoticed and
unchallenged, the Supreme Court's most recent decision on eminent domain but
the whole nation, even the so-called "conservatives" on notice that the
"middle class" is not really much more, in the eyes of the really wealthy
and powerful, than the "house niggers" on their great plantation, living a
little more comfortably than the masses in the global sweatshops, prisons,
"ghettoes," and reservations.
In urban environments we have little control of the environment (the
land) right around us. (This makes for endless possibilities for
horror writers like Stephen King; literally anything around us can become a
threat). People can appear in front of our homes digging up the street
with no explanation or accountability to us. They can appear on the
light poles, and sometimes even in our very yards (As with the citrus canker
inspectors who marked trees for destruction, much to the delight of the
commercial citrus industry). No matter how big or bad we think we are,
no matter what we spent on that luxury waterfront home (how high up in the
house nigger hierarchy we are, in other words), our sense of control of the
land is tenuous at best. Those who come closest to feeling in control
of it are those who are well enough armed to pose the threat or the
actuality of violently inflicted pain, loss of loved ones, and even death.
"If for me to maintain my lifestyle and my country-club membership, a
person has to die, or two people, or three, or three hundred or three
hundred thousand, so be it. We do what we have to do". That is
the mentality of those who rule by violence. In this, they are no
different from what I call (pardon my French) "the asshole in the alley."
You know, you've worked hard all week, you're walking home with the meager
rewards of your efforts to take care of your family's needs, when an asshole
appears out of an alley with a gun. The gun is his only qualification
for being able to stop you from what you are doing, to take time out of your
life, consume your energy, and interfere with your and your family's
livelihood. Because of his possession of the gun -- and NO other
mental, spiritual or otherwise redeeming qualifications -- he can take for
himself what you have worked so hard for, whether you object or not, since
he can also take your life. This is what colonialism was all about.
This is what the global social order that has ben put in place over the past
500 years is all about.
It starts with a segment of the human population that is disposed to
violent control of others. (We might theorize that in every generation
there will be that percentage that decides to beat up other kids and take
their lunch money. Among them, the only respect is gained by how many
more one can beat up than another and how much wealth they can gain.
They will form gangs that might end up in wars with each other, but they
fundamentally agree, and it will always be the other kids who pay the
highest price. Among them, there is no "crime" against their victims
that is recognized or punished, the other kids are just "collateral
damage"). This segment of the population will deploy their ill-gotten
wealth to build up immense arsenals of weapons, prisons, and of course,
"security" measures, with no limits on what degree of torture or
intimidation might be resorted to. That's the harsh, hard reality, but
this is often hidden away in remote locations, behind barricades and so
forth. The "soft" reality is the unrelenting psychological warfare
that is carried on, yes, with propaganda and "popular culture" and
miseducation, but no less so with tangible realities like money and the
enforced concept of land ownership.
Why are we African men and women worldwide seemingly so much less
competent than our Ancestors in managing our reality, in fostering great
civilizations, in accomplishing dazzling feats of engineering and the like?
Nothing great that our Ancestors achieved along those lines was achieved
without their control of their habitat, of the land of which they were a
part. We, of course, as you suggested, can fall back on the excuse of
the consequences of slavery, but, even then, how do we excuse our avid
participation in our own economic destruction, with our great outpouring of
support for Mercedes Benz (or, more to the point, of Exxon-Mobil,
Texaco-Chevron, BP, Shell, and all the rest), Donna Karan, Armani, etc.?
This is precisely the behavior that got us put onto the ships in the first
So, we end up with three things, starting with this matter of land use,
even though they may seem to be a stretch. First, there is the
inexcusable and the unexcused: the aforementioned exploiters of their
fellows, the beaters-up of other children now grown up into corrupt
self-serving assholes, the ones who, for some cheap liquor, red cloth,
mirrors and -- not to be forgotten -- guns, would sell human beings to slave
ship captains with no regard whatsoever for the social, economic,
environmental, spiritual or any other consequences. They are still
with us. Today's boys-wanting-toys (and their whorish mates) are
always in a position to sell out our community resources, especially
what little control we may have over land use, and thereby contribute to our
slow demise while they stupidly think they profit. They don't believe
-- they are assholes, after all -- that "if they come for us in the morning,
they'll come for them that night." How many a "slave" seller, when he
could no longer deliver a supply, found himself shackled and chained in the
bottom of a ship.
Secondly, there is the excuse and the excusable. Slavery is not just an
excuse, it was -- and is -- a reality whose consequences cannot be ignored.
I have often thought that "we have been through one hell of a shipwreck, and
those of us who survived bear all the scars, physical and mental." We
survive in an environment that is not only unsympathetic but downright
hostile, hateful and destructive. A good friend once asked,
hypothetically, why we have such drug problems. His answer is, the
reason that there is such a market for drugs, the reason people take drugs
is that they are in PAIN. If we want to end drug abuse, we have to end
the pain that leads to it. Good logic, to my mind. I am using drugs
metaphorically here to also include all of our irrational consumerist
addictions and behaviors. The reason I say this is excusable is not
because it is acceptable, but it is understandable. Everybody got hit
a different way by this shipwreck. Some are physically handicapped,
others mentally so, none of us unaffected. No healers or counselors
are around to welcome us. We have to rely on each other for this.
(I remember a powerful story of those orphaned child-assassins
that mercenary rebel armies in Africa routinely create actually being
recaptured by government troops and being left in the care of villagers that
they don't know. There are no professional healers there, all the
people can do, as limited as their own time and resources are, is "surround
these children with love," and let them know that their nightmare is over.
A lot easier said than done, but it is done. But, here too, as we can
clearly see, it is about being in a place where the villagers control the
land). We need to "light a lamp rather than curse the darkness" and
let some truth shine in the life of our community. I personally
believe that art & culture is the most inspiring way to do that, and, in
this context, that the music called "Jazz" is a very powerful weapon indeed
(which makes me commend you even more).
Thirdly, it may seem strange to call music a "weapon" rather than, say, a
tool, but this has to do with a whole paradigm shift in our thinking that
redefines the universe according to the rules of our own experience and
aspirations, rather than those of others. The heroic Guinean
revolutionary leader Amilcar Cabral made a famous statement that "Our People
Are Our Mountains." The context was this: a Portuguese massacre of
dockworkers in "Portuguese Guinea" (Guinea-Bissau) ended any and all hope of
achieving independence through peaceful protest, and only armed
struggle could be the next phase. Cabral and others had studied the
revolutions in China and Cuba, as well as Maroon rebellions in slavery time,
when resistors took to the mountains as a very successful military strategy.
But Guinea-Bissau is a country that does not have mountains, so how could
this be done? "Our people are our mountains," Cabral replied, and his
revolution was very successful. We have so little to show, in
comparison to either our glorious Ancestors or to other civilizations, that
can prove that we are of equal greatness to them. European nations can
point to their centuries-long successions of monarchs; Italy, Greece, Iraq,
India and China can point to ancient wonders that are part of who they are.
Even when we look back to Africa at the great structures of Kemet or
Zimbabwe, we must ask, honestly, who among us is capable of constructing
those things now (and if we don't know how, we should drop all silly boasts
and claims that "we" built them in the first place).
I say, in response to this apparent dearth and deficit of landmarks that
"our people are our landmarks." This is not just convenient, feelgood
rhetoric, but, as in Cabral's situation, a very real and vital understanding
to the success of our struggle. Every great achievement of every
Ancestral generation that ever lived is embodied in us today (just as we are
also the embodiment of all of our future generations). In the scale of
great human achievements -- the Colosseum, the Great Wall, the Pyramids, the
Cathedrals -- show me one that compares to the ability to survive the Middle
Passage and slavery, with strength, knowledge, and spirit to live and love
and give life to new generations. No one in the recorded history of
earth, as David Walker pointed out eloquently, has ever been so tested.
Survival alone, even in this extreme circumstance, might be called a
"negative achievement," only a return to zero from the minus column, so to
speak, but here again, we are well served to be reminded that the African
survivors of the Middle Passage brought much more with them than their
physical bodies.
Africa's traditional knowledge systems have never been accorded, in this
racist, ignorant and fearful environment, anything like the respect that has
been given to such others as Greek humanism, Yoga, or various Asian martial
arts systems. But the ignorance of racists is not the measure of our
worth. The drum, divination systems, martial arts like Capoeira,
technology like tabby building construction, and a host of other
manifestations of the African genius have been indispensable to both the
building of the Americas and African survival in these lands (out of our
control). Jazz (African American Classical Music) originated here, a
completely new cultural invention that is not so much a remake of past
musical forms as a rebirth of musical genius that will make of its
environment what it needs. My contention is that the whole African
presence here is "jazz": This has been identified and given a name and a
category, but how many other aspects of African life in America have been
"invented" in the same way but have never been subjected to the analysis
that would make these jump out as discrete phenomena.
African traditional science is, in fact, not so much analytical as it is
synthetical. That is, it is more concerned with the human individual's
ability to harmonize, or seek synthesis, with the universe than with the
western proclivity to stand apart from the universe as something outside of
ourselves, to be analyzed, broken down into its component parts, in order to
see what makes it tick. The appreciation of our scientific greatness,
then, is not attained by seeking its outward manifestations as objects to be
pointed out in comparison to those of other cultures; rather it is in the
act of living the knowledge, right here, right now, at all places at all
times. This is why I say that "our people are our greatness."
The ability to produce (and even be) greatness today, in the African
traditional paradigm, is of far greater value than the products of past
generations. This is the paradigm shift in our thinking that I believe is
needed for us to understand and manage our current situation.
Intelligence is awareness. Everything going on in the universe is going
on anyway, whether we know it or not. The more we are aware of it, the
closer we come to harmony and synthesis with the rest of the universe, or,
to put it another way, with Creation, and therefore with the Creator.
A paradigm shift to the "African" way of thinking greatly increases our
awareness of who we are, what we are, and where we come from, not to mention
"why" we are here. This paradigm shift is also essential to our
understanding of the basic point that I started with: land use.
In this understanding, we know that we are of the land, not just "on" the
land. We know that "ownership" of the land is not the most relevant
issue to our life and survival, even though it is, as we have already seen,
a legal reality, which means one that is enforced by the armed military
might of the state. (We can be shot and removed from the planet for
"trespassing"). It is true that we need to seek to use the land and any
control of it that we do have wisely. This is why I am so involved in
historic preservation efforts; the landmarks of our Ancestral past do have
importance and meaning, and many of these are on sacred sites -- places on
planet earth that our traditional knowledge systems can identify as having
special powers to help us synthesize. Even beyond this need to save
sacred places, we, like all human beings, need land to live on and maintain
ourselves and families. These are physical realities that sometimes
require physical struggles over land. Even so, we are best served by
keeping our whole understanding in the game. We, unlike those who
might be less knowledgeable, must be very astute in managing our access to
resources so that the land over which we gain stewardship is neither a
wasteful appropriation to satisfy the ego of assholes, nor a consumerist
drug to dull our individual sensibilities to our collective pain, but rather
special places, each with a special meaning, where we are fulfilled by our
connection to the rest of life, sometimes in the most mundane and inglorious
I hardly expected this to turn into such a lengthy tirade when I
started, but, as with so many things in real life, once it started I had to
go with it.
All the best,
Of National Lies and Racial America
For most white folks, indignation just doesn't wear well. Once
affected or conjured up, it reminds one of a pudgy man, wearing a
tie that may well have fit him when he was fifty pounds lighter, but
which now cuts off somewhere above his navel and makes him look like
an idiot.
Indignation doesn't work for most whites, because having remained
sanguine about, silent during, indeed often supportive of so much
injustice over the years in this country--the theft of native land
and genocide of indigenous persons, and the enslavement of Africans being only two of the best examples--we are just a bit late to get
into the game of moral rectitude. And once we enter it, our efforts
at righteousness tend to fail the test of sincerity.
But here we are, in 2008, fuming at the words of Pastor Jeremiah
Wright, of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago--occasionally
Barack Obama's pastor, and the man whom Obama credits with having
brought him to Christianity--for merely reminding us of those evils
about which we have remained so quiet, so dismissive, so
unconcerned. It is not the crime that bothers us, but the
remembrance of it, the unwillingness to let it go--these last words
being the first ones uttered by most whites it seems whenever
anyone, least of all an "angry black man" like Jeremiah
foists upon us the bill of particulars for several centuries of
white supremacy.
But our collective indignation, no matter how loudly we announce it,
cannot drown out the truth. And as much as white America may not be
able to hear it (and as much as politics may require Obama to
condemn it) let us be clear, Jeremiah Wright fundamentally told the
Oh I know that for some such a comment will seem shocking. After
all, didn't he say that America "got what it deserved" on
9/11? And
didn't he say that black people should be singing "God Damn
because of its treatment of the African American community
throughout the years?
Well actually, no he didn't.
Wright said not that the attacks of September 11th were justified,
but that they were, in effect, predictable. Deploying the imagery of
chickens coming home to roost is not to give thanks for the return
of the poultry or to endorse such feathered homecoming as a positive
good; rather, it is merely to note two things: first, that what goes
around, indeed, comes around--a notion with longstanding theological
grounding--and secondly, that the U.S. has indeed engaged in more
than enough violence against innocent people to make it just a tad
bit hypocritical for us to then evince shock and outrage about an
attack on ourselves, as if the latter were unprecedented.
He noted that we killed far more people, far more innocent civilians
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki than were killed on 9/11 and "never
an eye." That this statement is true is inarguable, at least
sane people. He is correct on the math, he is correct on the
innocence of the dead (neither city was a military target), and he
is most definitely correct on the lack of remorse or even self-doubt
about the act: sixty-plus years later most Americans still believe
those attacks were justified, that they were needed to end the war
and "save American lives."
But not only does such a calculus suggest that American lives are
inherently worth more than the lives of Japanese civilians (or, one
supposes, Vietnamese, Iraqi or Afghan civilians too), but it also
ignores the long-declassified documents, and President Truman's own
war diaries, all of which indicate clearly that Japan had already
signaled its desire to end the war, and that we knew they were going
to surrender, even without the dropping of atomic weapons. The
conclusion to which these truths then attest is simple, both in its
basic veracity and it monstrousness: namely, that in those places we
committed premeditated and deliberate mass murder, with no
justification whatsoever; and yet for saying that I will receive
more hate mail, more hostility, more dismissive and contemptuous
responses than will those who suggest that no body count is too high
when we're the ones doing the killing. Jeremiah Wright becomes a
pariah, because, you see, we much prefer the logic of George Bush
the First, who once said that as President he would "never
for the United States of America. I don't care what the facts are."
And Wright didn't say blacks should be singing "God Damn
He was suggesting that blacks owe little moral allegiance to a
nation that has treated so many of them for so long as animals, as
persons undeserving of dignity and respect, and which even now locks
up hundreds of thousands of non-violent offenders (especially for
drug possession), even while whites who do the same crimes (and
according to the data, when it comes to drugs, more often in fact),
are walking around free. His reference to God in that sermon was
more about what God will do to such a nation, than it was about what
should or shouldn't happen. It was a comment derived from, and fully
in keeping with, the black prophetic tradition, and although one can
surely disagree with the theology (I do, actually, and don't believe
that any God either blesses or condemns nation states for their
actions), the statement itself was no call for blacks to turn on
America. If anything, it was a demand that America earn the respect
of black people, something the evidence and history suggests it has
yet to do.
Finally, although one can certainly disagree with Wright about his
suggestion that the government created AIDS to get rid of black
folks--and I do, for instance--it is worth pointing out that Wright
isn't the only one who has said this. In fact, none other than Bill
Cosby (oh yes, that Bill Cosby, the one white folks love because of
his recent moral crusade against the black poor) proffered his
belief in the very same thing back in the early '90s in an interview
on CNN, when he said that AIDS may well have been created to get rid
of people whom the government deemed "undesirable" including
and racial minorities.
So that's the truth of the matter: Wright made one comment that is
highly arguable, but which has also been voiced by white America's
favorite black man, another that was horribly misinterpreted and
stripped of all context, and then another that was demonstrably
accurate. And for this, he is pilloried and made into a virtual
enemy of the state; for this, Barack Obama may lose the support of
just enough white folks to cost him the Democratic nomination,
and/or the Presidency; all of it, because Jeremiah Wright, unlike
most preachers opted for truth. If he had been one of
those "prosperity ministers" who says Jesus wants nothing so
much as
for you to be rich, like Joel Osteen, that would have been fine. Had
he been a retread bigot like Falwell was, or Pat Robertson is, he
might have been criticized, but he would have remained in good
standing and surely not have damaged a Presidential candidate in
this way. But unlike Osteen, and Falwell, and Robertson, Jeremiah
Wright refused to feed his parishioners lies.
What Jeremiah Wright knows, and told his flock-- though make no
mistake, they already knew it--is that 9/11 was neither the first,
nor worst act of terrorism on American soil. The history of this
nation for folks of color, was for generations, nothing less than an
intergenerational hate crime, one in which 9/11s were woven into the
fabric of everyday life: hundreds of thousands of the enslaved who
died from the conditions of their bondage; thousands more who were
lynched (as many as 10,000 in the first few years after the Civil
War, according to testimony in the Congressional Record at the
time); millions of indigenous persons wiped off the face of the
Earth. No, to some, the horror of 9/11 was not new. To some it was
not on that day that "everything changed." To some, everything
changed four hundred years ago, when that first ship landed at what
would become Jamestown. To some, everything changed when their
ancestors were forced into the hulls of slave ships at Goree Island
and brought to a strange land as chattel. To some, everything
changed when they were run out of Northern Mexico, only to watch it
become the Southwest United States, thanks to a war of annihilation
initiated by the U.S. government. To some, being on the receiving
end of terrorism has been a way of life. Until recently it was
absolutely normal in fact.
But white folks have a hard time hearing these simple truths. We
find it almost impossible to listen to an alternative version of
reality. Indeed, what seems to bother white people more than
anything, whether in the recent episode, or at any other time, is
being confronted with the recognition that black people do not, by
and large, see the world like we do; that black people, by and
large, do not view America as white people view it. We are, in fact,
shocked that this should be so, having come to believe, apparently,
that the falsehoods to which we cling like a kidney patient clings
to a dialysis machine, are equally shared by our darker-skinned
This is what James Baldwin was talking about in his classic 1972
work, No Name in the Street, wherein he noted:
"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor,
grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very
accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world
they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire
lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so
lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for
example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving
And so we were shocked in 1987, when Supreme Court Justice Thurgood
Marshall declined to celebrate the bicentennial of the Constitution,
because, as he noted, most of that history had been one of overt
racism and injustice, and to his way of thinking, the only history
worth celebrating had been that of the past three or four decades.
We were shocked to learn that black people actually believed that a
white cop who was a documented racist might frame a black man; and
we're shocked to learn that lots of black folks still perceive the
U.S. as a racist nation--we're literally stunned that people who say
they experience discrimination regularly (and who have the social
science research to back them up) actually think that those
experiences and that data might actually say something about the
nation in which they reside. Imagine.
Whites are easily shocked by what we see and hear from Pastor Wright
and Trinity Church, because what we see and hear so thoroughly
challenges our understanding of who we are as a nation. But black
people have never, for the most part, believed in the imagery of
the "shining city on a hill," for they have never had the
option of
looking at their nation and ignoring the mountain-sized warts still
dotting its face when it comes to race. Black people do not, in the
main, get misty eyed at the sight of the flag the way white people
do--and this is true even for millions of black veterans--for they
understand that the nation for whom that flag waves is still not
fully committed to their own equality. They have a harder time
singing those tunes that white people seem so eager to belt out,
like "God Bless America," for they know that whites sang those
loudly and proudly even as they were enforcing Jim Crow segregation,
rioting against blacks who dared move into previously white
neighborhoods, throwing rocks at Dr. King and then cheering, as so
many did, when they heard the news that he had been assassinated.
Whites refuse to remember (or perhaps have never learned) that which
black folks cannot afford to forget. I've seen white people stunned
to the point of paralysis when they learn the truth about lynchings
in this country--when they discover that such events were not just a
couple of good old boys with a truck and a rope hauling some black
guy out to the tree, hanging him, and letting him swing there. They
were never told the truth: that lynchings were often community
events, advertised in papers as "Negro Barbecues," involving
hundreds or even thousands of whites, who would join in the fun, eat
chicken salad and drink sweet tea, all while the black victims of
their depravity were being hung, then shot, then burned, and then
having their body parts cut off, to be handed out to onlookers. They
are stunned to learn that postcards of the events were traded as
souvenirs, and that very few whites, including members of their own
families did or said anything to stop it.
Rather than knowing about and confronting the ugliness of our past,
whites take steps to excise the less flattering aspects of our
history so that we need not be bothered with them. So, in Tulsa,
Oklahoma, for example, site of an orgy of violence against the black
community in 1921, city officials literally went into the town
library and removed all reference to the mass killings in the
Greenwood district from the papers with a razor blade--an excising
of truth and an assault on memory that would remain unchanged for
over seventy years.
Most white people desire, or perhaps even require the propagation of
lies when it comes to our history. Surely we prefer the lies to
anything resembling, even remotely, the truth. Our version of
history, of our national past, simply cannot allow for the intrusion
of fact into a worldview so thoroughly identified with fiction. But
that white version of America is not only extraordinarily
incomplete, in that it so favors the white experience to the
exclusion of others; it is more than that; it is actually a slap in
the face to people of color, a re-injury, a reminder that they are
essentially irrelevant, their concerns trivial, their lives unworthy
of being taken seriously. In that sense, and what few if any white
Americans appear capable of grasping at present, is that "Leave it
Beaver" and "Father Knows Best," portray an America so
divorced from
the reality of the times in which they were produced, as to raise
serious questions about the sanity of those who found them so
moving, so accurate, so real. These iconographic representations of
life in the U.S. are worse than selective, worse than false, they
are assaults to the humanity and memory of black people, who were
being savagely oppressed even as June Cleaver did housework in heels
and laughed about the hilarious hijinks of Beaver and Larry Mondello.
These portraits of America are certifiable evidence of how
disconnected white folks were--and to the extent we still love them
and view them as representations of the "good old days" to
which we
wish we could return, still are--from those men and women of color
with whom we have long shared a nation. Just two months
before "Leave it to Beaver" debuted, proposed civil rights
legislation was killed thanks to Strom Thurmond's 24-hour filibuster
speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate. One month prior, Arkansas
Governor Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to block black
students from entering Little Rock Central High; and nine days
before America was introduced to the Cleavers, and the comforting
image of national life they represented, those black students were
finally allowed to enter, amid the screams of enraged, unhinged,
viciously bigoted white people, who saw nothing wrong with calling
children niggers in front of cameras. That was America of the 1950s:
not the sanitized version into which so many escape thanks to the
miracle of syndication, which merely allows white people to relive a
lie, year after year after year.
No, it is not the pastor who distorts history; Nick at Nite and your
teenager's textbooks do that. It is not he who casts aspersions
upon "this great country" as Barack Obama put it in his public
denunciations of him; it is the historic leadership of the nation
that has cast aspersions upon it; it is they who have cheapened it,
who have made gaudy and vile the promise of American democracy by
defiling it with lies. They engage in a patriotism that is
pathological in its implications, that asks of those who adhere to
it not merely a love of country but the turning of one's nation into
an idol to be worshipped, it not literally, then at least in terms
of consequence.
It is they--the flag-lapel-pin wearing leaders of this land--who
bring shame to the country with their nonsensical suggestions that
we are always noble in warfare, always well-intended, and although
we occasionally make mistakes, we are never the ones to blame for
anything. Nothing that happens to us has anything to do with us at
all. It is always about them. They are evil, crazy, fanatical, hate
our freedoms, and are jealous of our prosperity. When individuals
prattle on in this manner we diagnose them as narcissistic, as
deluded. When nations do it--when our nation does--we celebrate it
as though it were the very model of rational and informed
So what can we say about a nation that values lies more than it
loves truth? A place where adherence to sincerely believed and
internalized fictions allows one to rise to the highest offices in
the land, and to earn the respect of millions, while a willingness
to challenge those fictions and offer a more accurate counter- narrative
"earns one nothing but contempt, derision, indeed outright
hatred? What we can say is that such a place is signing its own
death warrant. What we can say is that such a place is missing the
only and last opportunity it may ever have to make things right, to
live up to its professed ideals. What we can say is that such a
place can never move forward, because we have yet to fully address
and come to terms with that which lay behind.
What can we say about a nation where white preachers can lie every
week from their pulpits without so much as having to worry that
their lies might be noticed by the shiny white faces in their pews,
while black preachers who tell one after another essential truth are
demonized, not only for the stridency of their tone--which needless
to say scares white folks, who have long preferred a style of praise
and worship resembling nothing so much as a coma--but for merely
calling bullshit on those whose lies are swallowed whole?
And oh yes, I said it: white preachers lie. In fact, they lie with a
skill, fluidity, and precision unparalleled in the history of either
preaching or lying, both of which histories stretch back a ways and
have often overlapped. They lie every Sunday, as they talk about a
Savior they have chosen to represent dishonestly as a white man, in
every picture to be found of him in their tabernacles, every
children's story book in their Sunday Schools, every Christmas card
they'll send to relatives and friends this December. But to lie
about Jesus, about the one they consider God--to bear false witness
as to who this man was and what he looked like--is no cause for
Nor is it a problem for these preachers to teach and preach that
those who don't believe as they believe are going to hell. Despite
the fact that such a belief casts aspersions upon God that are so
profound as to defy belief--after all, they imply that God is so
fundamentally evil that he would burn non-believers in a lake of
eternal fire--many of the white folks who now condemn Jeremiah
Wright welcome that theology of hate. Indeed, back when President
Bush was the Governor of Texas, he endorsed this kind of thinking,
responding to a question about whether Jews were going to go to
hell, by saying that unless one accepted Jesus as one's personal
savior, the Bible made it pretty clear that indeed, hell was where
you'd be heading.
So, you can curse God in this way--and to imply such hate on God's
part is surely to curse him--and in effect, curse those who aren't
Christians, and no one says anything. That isn't considered bigoted.
That isn't considered beyond the pale of polite society. One is not
disqualified from becoming President in the minds of millions
because they go to a church that says that shit every single week,
or because they believe it themselves. And millions do believe it,
and see nothing wrong with it whatsoever.
So white folks are mad at Jeremiah Wright because he challenges
their views about their country. Meanwhile, those same white folks,
and their ministers and priests, every week put forth a false image
of the God Jeremiah Wright serves, and yet it is whites who feel we
have the right to be offended.
Pardon me, but something is wrong here, and whatever it is, is not
to be found at Trinity United Church of Christ.
Tim Wise is the author of: White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a
Privileged Son (Soft Skull Press, 2005), and Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White (Routledge: 2005).
He can be reached at:
Source: Counterpunch
