Write Your Life Workshop with Diva JC |
Diva Joan Cartwright teaches creative writing workshops. Register for a five-week intensive writing workshop with musician, composer, poet, and author Diva Joan Cartwright, author of 9 books: 3 poetry, 2 manuals on musicians and musicianship, memoirs, history, and 2 music books. [http://lulu.com/spotlight/divajc] [www.redroom.com/member/divajc]
The Principles of Speech Communication
This course will introduce the student to the basic principles of effective speech communication. Topics will include intrapersonal communication, intercultural communication, listening, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, small group dynamics, mass communication, and public communication. Students will complete oral and written projects designed to demonstrate an understanding of the communication process and an ability to analyze and think critically about communication in today's dynamic and diverse global marketplace.
Register for an 8-week course for $260
Contact: profjoancartwright@gmail.com | 954-740-3398
Joan’s workshop explores the creative process involved in structuring lyrics and poetry; researching biographical material; interviewing as research; journaling as storytelling; travel writing and gathering historical data. Detail to grammar, punctuation, and cohesiveness.
Workshop explores the creative process involved with
- Structuring lyrics and poetry - Joan wrote 60+ songs and three books of poetry about love, life, spirit, music and art
- Researching biographical material - Joan documented the lives of 65 Jazzwomen and 47 Jazzmen
- Interviewing as research - Joan interviewed and wrote concert reviews on numerous musicians and singers.
- Journaling as storytelling - Joan's books were compiled from over 23 journals kept over a 30-year period
- Creating a newsletter - Joan maintains a monthly newsletter for her non-profit organization
- Travel writing - Joan's column Inside Europe was featured in Travel & Style Magazine ( Miami , FL ) for four years
- Gathering historical data - For 12 years, Joan's presentation of Amazing Musicwomen available at lulu.com has educated over 7,000 students in Florida , Georgia , New York , Switzerland , Sicily , China and Japan . Her latest book, A History of African-American Jazz and Blues is a compilation of three essays written for her Master's Thesis
- Book formatting and cover design - Joan designed her book covers and is an expert at formatting for sale online
- Networking and marketing your book - Joan belongs to hundreds of sites and networks where her books are featured including ning.com, redroom.com, linkedin.com, myspace, and facebook. Listen to her radio show MUSICWOMAN LIVE!


Workshop explores the creative process involved with
- Structuring lyrics and poetry - Joan wrote 60+ songs and three books of poetry about love, life, spirit, music and art
- Researching biographical material - Joan documented the lives of 65 Jazzwomen and 47 Jazzmen
- Interviewing as research - Joan interviewed and wrote concert reviews on numerous musicians and singers.
- Journaling as storytelling - Joan's books were compiled from over 23 journals kept over a 30-year period
- Creating a newsletter - Joan maintains a monthly newsletter for her non-profit organization
- Travel writing - Joan's column Inside Europe was featured in Travel & Style Magazine (Miami, FL) for four years
- Gathering historical data - For 12 years, Joan's presentation of Amazing Musicwomen available at lulu.com has educated over 7,000 students in Florida, Georgia, New York, Switzerland, Sicily, China and Japan. Her latest book, A History of African-American Jazz and Blues is a compilation of three essays written for her Master's Thesis
- Book formatting and cover design - Joan designed her book covers and is an expert at formatting for sale online
- Networking and marketing your book - Joan belongs to hundreds of sites and networks where her books are featured including ning.com, redroom.com, linkedin.com, myspace, and facebook. Listen to her radio show MUSICWOMAN LIVE!
Websites and Blogs:


Smashing Salmon Wild Brown Rice
©2011Joan Cartwright
- Salmon, seasoned and frozen
- 8 oz Lundberg Jubilee gourmet
whole grain brown rice
- 1 Cube of Beef Bouillon
- 1 Tbsp Butter
- 1 can of black beans
- Saucepan with water
- Olive Oil
- Sliced Onions
- Chopped Onions
- Oregano
- Basil
- Cayenne Pepper
- Seafood Seasoning
What to do
Season the salmon, wrap it in clear plastic wrap, and freeze it.
On the day you cook it, put on a pot of gluten-free Lundberg Jubilee gourmet blend of whole-grain brown rice add a cube of beef bouillon and one tablespoon of butter to the boiling water before adding the rice. Cook on medium heat until all the water is evaporated and the rice is stuck to the pot.
Take the frozen salmon with the plastic wrap on it and place it in a saucepan with water. Heat the pan. Place sliced onions on top of the plastic, cover, and leave it, until the salmon is thawed. Remove salmon and onions from the pan. Remove all water from the pan and pour in olive oil, when ALL the water is gone.
Add onions and unwrapped Salmon to hot oil. Let the salmon sear and the onions cook. Add black beans soaked in olive oil, cayenne pepper, chopped onions, basil, and oregano. No salt is added to this recipe. Let simmer until rice is fully cooked.
In a bowl, place a half-cup of rice and cover it with beans and salmon. Mix and enjoy.
Serves two.
Thanks for registering for the WRITE YOUR LIFE WORKSHOP You will receive an email with further instructions, shortly. To schedule your first session, email Dr. Joan Cartwright |